Qatar Entertainer Launch Event

With Holly and Gerald of Boulan Gerry
Haven't heard of The Entertainer*? Where have you been hiding? It is sold all around Qatar and can bag you savings beyond QR240k. There is always a book in our home and basically it is full of 'buy one get one frees'.  It includes hundreds of vouchers that will get you discounts at restaurants, hotel rooms all around the world, spa treatments, salon trips and Qatar day trips and activities..... I have noticed that there are always so many vouchers that I don't use, so make sure to check out my Entertainer Voucher Swap Group on facebook! (One mans trash is another mans treasure and all that!)
When Donna started the company she had one employee and sold 900 books the first year! Rather impressive I feel!
Pearl and Peach were invited to attend the official launch here in Qatar, although the books have been readily available for years, the first official launch happened this January, which focused mainly on the app. 
Using the app for the iPad 
  The evening, hosted on the Rocca terrace at The Grand Hyatt Hotel, gave the attendees a chance to play around with the app; which I have to say is very user friendly, and leaving the venue I promptly got on the DL! I really like the option that allows the user to see the savings they have made, oh I do love a bargain! The app has the extra bonus, that new vouchers can been added throughout the year, as well as monthly promotions. 
With Ohlala's Edward Smith, Boulan Gerry's Gerald Tan & Holly the Blonde
  As co P&P founder Helen has now left Qatar, I invited fellow blogger -Holly the blonde- to come with me, due to my massive social angsy I wouldn't dream of going to an event alone! During the course of the evening we got to mingle with lots of bloggers, magazine editors and the lovely ladies of The Entertainer, we were able to taste some lovely food courtesy of Chef Shaun of The Grill and his team and sipped on some delicious wine.
"Is Scallop a potato or a fish Holly?"

Following the event, Holly and I, along with our very generous gift bags*, made our way up to Dunes bar and were treated by the lovely GM Christoph to a berry cocktail. 

It was a perfect evening! Thank you yet again to the Grand Hyatt and to The Entertainer for having us! 
Holly & Me at Dunes
Make sure you check out The Entertainer, download the app free of charge to see how you could benefit. 
Much love,
 photo harrietsign_zps4db3c583.png
Follow Harriet on Instagram


  1. Do you know if the golf vouchers are available this year? Thanks

    1. Hi, a lot of people have been asking that question. They are not in the book. Keep an eye on the app though, they might appear on there at some point x

  2. Would you recommend the book or the ap? I always get the book, but I end up leaving my vouchers at home?

  3. Hi Becky,
    I always end up doing that with the book too. The app is really great, its so simple to use, and actually cheaper than the book. Plus you will always have your vouchers on you if like me you're glued to your phone! :) xx

  4. Fab post Harriet! Amazing app isn't it?! Such a fun night. The scallop picture made me laugh a lot!x

    1. haha I'm still wondering why I thought it was a potato, I'm sure that is a potato type that sounds like scallop haha! Such a fun evening! Thanks for coming with x

  5. Damn cute make up gurl! cheers for checking out my blog and allowing me to find yours xx

    1. Thanks Natalie, really enjoyed your blog! :) xx

  6. Replies
    1. mauve it was lovely :) thanks for reading x


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